Nice to meet you!

I am a Charlotte, NC based content creator!

My online journey began as I launched my YouTube channel while pursuing my master's degree, I felt like there was not a lot of information out there on Master of Health Administration. From there, I've been sharing life as I navigate my 20s.

Click around, explore, and get ready to immerse yourself in my world. This homebase is your gateway to discovering everything I have to offer like my travel favorites and where else to find me.

My favorite platform to overshare on is my YouTube channel. I talk getting through your 20s, finances, affordable fashion, and so much more - make sure to check it out!

Enjoy my little corner of the internet!


  • 26! And an Aries

  • UNC Chapel Hill for my bachelor’s, UNC Charlotte for my master’s, and then back to UNC Chapel Hill for my coding bootcamp! Go heels!

  • I’m a data analyst! I work a normal, corporate 9-5 job. After getting my Master of Health Administration, I found my love for business & tech - and data analytics has been the perfect combination.

  • YouTube is filmed on a G7x Mark II or Canon M350 and edited on Final Cut Pro! TikTok is filmed on my iPhone and edited in Final Cut Pro! Check out my amazon storefront for my favorite tech products.